Science and Technology

Science and technology are closely linked, each depending upon the other. Science involves acquiring knowledge through observation and experimentation, and technology applies scientific knowledge in practical ways.

This Area of Learning and Experience capitalises on children and young people’s curiosity about our natural, physical world and universe though investigating, understanding, and explaining.  They learn to generate and test ideas, gather evidence, make observations, carry out practical investigations, and communicate with others. They also learn how through computer science, the horizons of what is possible can be extended beyond our current imagination. Pupils also have opportunities to learn how technology is used to design products that improve the quality of human life and to apply their scientific and other knowledge to practical purposes and challenges.

The Science and technology Area of Learning and Experience draws on physics, chemistry and biology, engineering, design technology (food, textiles, resistant materials), craft, design, graphics and, importantly, computer science.. There are links between this Area of Learning and Experience and, for example, the Humanities (business and industry), Mathematics and numeracy (considering costs and benefits) and Health and well-being (medical uses of technology) Areas of Learning and Experience.

At Cradoc, we provide pupils with rich opportunities to develop technological skills, knowledge, understanding and attributes through designing and developing products and systems. They will be able to explore the impact of technology on society and the environment.

Learning in the Science and technology Area of Learning and Experience will enable many young people to prepare for careers in science, digital industries and technologies.