Rights Respecting School

 At Cradoc we are proud to be Committed to becoming a Rights Respecting School.


The Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) is an initiative run by UNICEF UK, which encourages schools to place the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of its ethos and curriculum.  A Rights Respecting School not only teaches about children’s rights, it also models rights and respect in all its relationships, whether between children or between children and adults.  We are pleased that we have been awarded the Recognition of Commitment to the Rights Respecting School Scheme, by Unicef.

Each Autumn we elect our Super Ambassadors, who sit on the School Parliament and have three jobs. These are to:

  • Inform other pupils in their school about the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and her powers
  • Make sure other pupils know about about children’s rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Do special missions in school which help to inform the work of the Commissioner and have a real impact on children’s rights in Wales


I wonder who the 2019/20 Super Ambassadors will be?